Sleeping With A Fan Is Fan-tastic!

Have you ever wondered how to get an even better night’s sleep? I have the solution for you! Sleep with a fan and enjoy seriously deep zzzs.  

Sleeping with a fan on helps regulate the temperature in your room. Even if you are a person who likes to be warm and cozy, you can still enjoy the whirl of a fan. Just add an extra blanket to your bed! According to, sleeping in a cold bedroom not only helps to improve sleep quality, but it can also prevent disease and slow down the aging process. Fans turn air cold by increasing the velocity of the airflow from the fan. The fan helps to blow away moisture and therefore helps you sleep comfortably. 

Many people enjoy the soothing hum created by a fan, similar to the sound of white noise. The static sound that is heard in white noise can help improve sleep. According to, in a recent study, adults fell asleep 38% faster while listening to white noise. Steady low sounds like the whirl of a fan can help mute distracting noises.  

Fans also offer ventilation for the area that you sleep in. Fans provide good airflow and with good ventilation, virus particles in the air can be lowered. Air ventilation can also reduce carbon dioxide levels and helps a person sleep more soundly. 

Sleeping with a fan on will provide you with a better night’s sleep. Go get a fan and get some good sleep.  

Who let the dogs out!

Have you ever wondered what would be the best pet for you and your family?  I have the answer for you.  A dog!  A dog makes the best pet because they help people sleep better, make people happier, and help people calm their nerves.  A dog can help people sleep better because their weight and breathing to comforting to their humans.  It’s similar to being covered up with a weighted blanket. “In a recent survey of pet parents of both dogs and cats, dog owners whose pups sleep in bed with them reported fewer disturbances than their cat-owning counterparts,” says Having a dog as a pet also makes us happier in our day-to-day lives. Just looking into your dog’s eyes can raise your level of oxytocin, which is the “love hormone”, says Lastly, having a dog as a pet can help you stop stressing out and calm your nerves. “Studies have shown at Washington State University that petting your dog for just 10 min can lower your blood pressure, heart rate, slow breathing, and relaxes your muscle tension.” Those are only three of the many reasons why you should have a dog as a pet.

What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up

            Do you know what you want to be when you grow up?  No?  Me neither.  I do have a few

jobs though, that I think would be fun to try out.  Doing so might help me decide what I want to be when I grow up.  Well, at least I hope it does.  I think that making ice cream at McDonalds, treating sick animals at Blue Royal Dairy, and restocking shelves at Festival Foods would be fun Jobs.

Who doesn’t love a McFlurry or soft serve from McDonald’s?  I often wonder how these treats are made and find it satisfying to watch the employees move around the kitchen area making the desserts.  I can’t help but wonder if the ice cream machine really does go out of order as often as they claim it does.  An added benefit of working at McDonald’s would be the beautiful aroma of fried food.

I think that it would be rewarding to work full-time at Blue Royal Dairy because I will get to learn about how to treat cows, how to put a “down cow”, down, know what good quality feed looks and smells like, and to be able to use data from the cow trackers to find sick cows. 

I enjoy helping my dad on the farm today but look forward to having more responsibility.  It would be rewarding to help sick cows feel better. 

I also think that it would be fun to restock the shelves at a grocery store, like Festival Foods.  I don’t think that I would enjoy the checkout line as much as I would feel bad if a card was declined.  Also, people get serious about their coupons and the cost of items.  Working at a grocery store would be educational because you do a lot of math as a cashier and you learn more and more about the different products, each day.

         I hope that one day I know what I want to be when I grow up.  For now, these are three fun and cool places where I’d like to work to get experience.   

Ice Ice Baby I Despise Winter

Do you like dark skies, dressing in layers of clothing, sick people, and teeth-chattering cold temperatures? Me neither. Out of all the seasons that we get to enjoy in NE Wisconsin, I despise winter.

First, preparation for the winter season (or, even just going outside) takes an incredible amount of energy and thoughtfulness. It takes a bunch of clothing layers so that you are not cold and so that you don’t freeze your limbs off. And, if you don’t already have enough things to carry to school each day, you have to pack a bag with your snow pants, boots, hat, scarf, and gloves. You also have to prepare and be thoughtful about supplying your vehicle with an ice scraper, a blanket, a small shovel, hand warmers, and salt. Secondly, it seems that every winter season, people are always getting and staying sick. I don’t like to feel sick and I’m not a fan of germs. To prove this point, what do teachers supply each year during the Christmas program?  Yep, “puke” pails.  And, when is the one time you wish to not get sick?  The holidays! But, of course, someone has to miss out on the holiday gatherings because they or their family are sick. After recess, everyone has runny noses and is grabbing tissues or wiping their noses with their sleeves Eew! Lastly, I despise being cold during the winter season, I can’t get away from being cold. My bedroom is cold. Our basement is cold. I’m cold while waiting for the bus and it’s even cold in the classroom. 

    Despite the fun of tubing, building snowmen, and having snowball fights, there are many reasons that I despise winter such as the amount of preparation it takes, sick people, and constantly cold.  So, #STAYWARM,STAYSAFE


Showing an animal at the county fair teaches work ethic and responsibility and builds confidence and pride in oneself.  First, animals need to be fed, watered, washed, and cared for all day, every day, and require a lot of attention to detail.  Washing and feeding animals and other chore responsibilities begin by 5 AM each day.  On the day of the actual show, kids have the responsibility of preparing themselves and their animals.  Animals are fitted and prepped for the show ring and show exhibitors dress in clean, white show clothes.  While other fair-goers are enjoying fair food and rides, show exhibitors are in the barn tending to their animals. Secondly, even before summer and the county fair begins, kids learn leadership skills, and responsibilities by being involved in a 4-H club and mentoring younger kids, preparing agendas and projects for monthly meetings. Lastly, friendships and relationships are formed in the barn throughout fair week.  It’s a great opportunity to meet new and old friends who have similar interests and cheer each other on.  Doing your best and winning builds confidence and pride.  It makes all of the work and early mornings worth it when you and the animal that you have bonded with, do well. In conclusion, showing animals at the county fair is hard work but worth it as you build confidence and pride in your work and learn work ethic and responsibility.